I begin my life in KL with this
My mum was here in KL last week visiting my new house for the first time. You can imagine how hard I was working to tidy my house, of which this will be a good time to clean the many boxes that I will have in the store room from the house moving long ago.
Upon opening one of the box, I found this. What is so special about this dusty green bag? This is the bag that I bring to KL 10 years ago, to begin my job and my life in KL with just a few shirts and t-shirts, a pair of slack, a towel and RM1000 in my wallet, that my sister loan me.
During my house moving last time, I have been throwing so many things that I keep in my possession that I no longer need. But even the zipper of this bag is broken, and I have far more better bag than this, it is just too nostalgic to throw this bag away. So I gave this bag a wash.
10 years… Alhamdulillah. Thanks to the Almighty God to see how far I have got with my life, with just bringing this bag and crashing at my friend’s house for a week before I rent my own place to stay, to owning a house now. Looking back, my early days in KL is quite interesting. Will find time to blog about this in future.
pinjam beg adik time tuh yg baru habis belajar kat UITM. keychain UITM still ada kat beg tu. huhu
best cite neh… bage tu ade nilai yg tersendiri…
hehe. tu arr. sayang sgt nak buang walaupun dah tak pakai pun
i can so relate to that!!
i kept with me stuff from college, from 1st job etc, to remind me of the ‘feeling’ i had back then, and to remind myself not to take things for granted.
another hoarder friend. LOL
cant wait to read about that
insyaallah. kalau rajin nanti pasti akan tulis
hey…nice blog…spent the whole office hour going thru your house reno blog…appreciate it…cant wait to read bout your 10 years journey dude..
hi steven. thanks for visiting. glad that you like my entries about my house reno