It’s end of Friday – beginning of weekend that means

Wow! What a short week that I have for this week. Being on emergency leave for the last Monday and Tuesday makes it only 3 days that I’m in office.

Still got to submit the emergency leave form to my boss. She’s also just quiet about it. Not sure whether she will deduct 1 day from my leave or not since I told her that I’m a bit sick on Tuesday, and yet, I don’t have any medical certificate from doctor.

It’s been a physically tiring and emotionally stressing week, where there was one incident happened that somehow, I don’t know whether it will affect me financially or not. Sorry I can’t release too much details here. After a deep thought, I’m rather quite happy with the decision that I made. That the best option to me, and to others that have to suffer from my mistakes.

I guess this will be a good entry for my Alpha Journal electronic diary. Haven’t been writing that much anymore in that diary of mine ever since I get myself involved with blogging. For me, blog is something about me that I’m OK with people reading it. But I still need my diary for very personal thing, something not meant for others to read.

Well. Let us rest together during this awaited weekend. Now I can lay down all day without any worries.

See my other weekend cats


Technical Manager at one of the market researcher company in KL who does blogging on his free time. Love cats very much. Always fascinated with new technology (as well as spending money on it)

1 Response

  1. Fizz says:

    tee he he he .. alahai.. cute nye gambo…

    *tersenyum giler babas bila tengok gambar kucing tuh…

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