Last day of Dimension Server training

Well, it’s the final day of the training already today. In the morning session, we continue a little more on server managament, especially the log analysis part. And in the afternoon session, it is just a summary on what was trained for the past 2 days.

Overall, I think this training is really good. This surely concludes the missing part that I’m curious about platform as a whole.

So before we all go, I suggest to them, why not taking a photo. So, here is the training team for Dimension Server training.

From left to right:
Ben Gray (CAI Manager) from Synovate Fieldwork International UK, Andrew Miles (European IT Manager) from Synovate Healthcare UK, David Ellis (Network Administrator) from Synovate Healthcare UK, Ketan Keshav from Synovate Fieldwork International UK, I don’t quite know who’s the next person is as there was a technical error with the camera and the photo got blurred (hehehe), Mithat Olut (R&D Manager) from Synovate Turkey, Hakan Adolfsson (Managing Director) from Synovate Sweeden, and lastly, Mr. Trainer himself, Zora Scoric from SPSS UK.


Technical Manager at one of the market researcher company in KL who does blogging on his free time. Love cats very much. Always fascinated with new technology (as well as spending money on it)

3 Responses

  1. marts says:

    Cian Imre, camera rosak rupanya!

    Ha ha ha ha…

  2. moon says:

    hohohohoho…macam pesalah pulak..

  3. iejay says:

    hai imran, a message from your silent reader all this while… kenapa yg tengah tu blur? saya teringin nak tengok muka yg blur tu bukannya all the mat saleh *wink*

    anyway i’m having fun reading your entry…i get the address to your blog from yahoo search when i was searching information for mc donald’s buffet…

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