Maxis or DiGi iPhone 4?

One of the very famous question that I receive from friends about iPhone 4 is which one is better / cheaper to get? Maxis or DiGi? There’s no better way of comparing the two than by placing them next to each other.

The table below shows the information for the most basic plan of iPhone 4 that you can get from each of the 2 competing telcos.

iValue 1

iDigi 88
Free local calls 333 mins 200 mins
Free data 1 GB 1 GB
Free SMS 200 SMS 200 SMS
Free MMS 20 MMS 20 MMS
Call rate 15 sen/min 10 sen/min
SMS rate 10 sen/SMS 10 sen/SMS
MMS rate 25 sen/MMS 20 sen/MMS
Phone price RM1990 RM2490
Additional charges RM400 prepayment1
Start-up cost RM2390 RM2490
Monthly commitment RM100 RM58
Minimum contact period 12 24
Total commitment2 RM3190 RM3882

1Will be refunded to account over 5 months period
2Phone price + (Monthly commitment x Minimum contract period)

It looks like no matter whether you are choosing Maxis or DiGi, the start-up cost; i.e. the amount of money that you have to pay before getting your iPhone 4 is about the same.

Maxis seems to offer more free minutes for the local calls, and DiGi’s call rate and price per MMS is cheaper by 5 sen.

DiGi’s monthly commitment seems cheaper, but you have to do this for 24 months. Adding up the monthly commitments that you have to made with the price that you pay for the phone, it seems DiGi is almost RM700 more expensive than Maxis.

What does the RM700 extra that you are paying DiGi gives you? You get cheaper call rate and price per MMS. Also, DiGi has this “iGet no bill shock after exceeding monthly quota” where there is no extra charge after monthly quota. Maxis is charging 5 sen/10KB for additional data usage, but is max capped at RM250.

Back to the original question. Which one is better? Maxis or DiGi iPhone 4? Well, after plus here, minus there, both are just the same. It is a matter of which telco that you want to be loyal too 🙂


Technical Manager at one of the market researcher company in KL who does blogging on his free time. Love cats very much. Always fascinated with new technology (as well as spending money on it)

4 Responses

  1. Anif® says:

    Betul tu lebih kurang sama je.. Tapi kalau mahu ringan tiap bulan kena pilih Digi.. Saya rasa la..

  2. Joe says:

    good 3G coverage matters. No use if got canggih phone but crappy coverage. Choose wisely guys.

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