My New iPhone 4S

Not having enough sleep last night, but I don’t feel sleepy as I’m so excited to do the unboxing that I just got.

This is the bag that I got from the purchase last night. The height is 1/2 the height of the previous launching, which I quite like. But there’s no free goodies this time for iPhone 4S, where Maxis was giving free mineral water and t-shirt last time (which never fits me).

Since this time black and white iPhone are launched at the same time, at one side of the bag is white iPhone on a black background, and on the other side is white iPhone with black background.

I’m getting iPhone 4S White 64GB for myself. White looks sexy in my eye this time. I can now bring my whole collection of MP3s in my iPhone, and finally can ditch out my iPod Classic.

A few photos from the unboxing process below. I just like how’s the packaging looks like for Apple’s product.

As always, your money spending doesn’t stop at when you are paying for the product. I still need to spend a bit more on the screen protector, casing and also converting the normal size SIM card to micro SIM.

And finally, once the micro SIM has been slotted into the iPhone, I can finally switch it on, and activate it.

The orange bumper around my white iPhone 4S matches Oyen’s orange and white fur perfectly. LOL


Technical Manager at one of the market researcher company in KL who does blogging on his free time. Love cats very much. Always fascinated with new technology (as well as spending money on it)

2 Responses

  1. Farhan Yusof says:

    nice =) kene ada satu nie

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