My new Nokia N95 and latest Anuar Zain Album

It’s been 4 days I have been phoneless, since the time I say goodbye to my O2 mini. It’s been quite peaceful experience as well. No calls from bank calling for overdue credit card and loan payment, no SMS, no calls from credit card company selling insurance, no nothing. But on the other hand, it’s kind a weird feeling though. I have been accompanied with mobile phone for 7 years, and suddenly, you pant’s pocket feel so empty.

Hohoho. Look what I got today from Mid Valley Megamall. A brand new Nokia N95 phone from Jusco, and latest Anuar Zain album from Speedy Video.

Firstly, about the new phone. I’m so exited about this. One of the main reason that I sold my O2 mini before is to get a new phone. And that thing happened today. Yippe! I’m so eager to get started. This is how the packaging for Nokia N95 looks like.

Once the box is opened, the phone unit is handsomely shown.

Once the flap is opened, you can see the first layer of the content of the package. On this layer, there’s the phone unit itself, streo headphone, remote controller for stereo headphone, 1GB MicroSD memory card, and free screen protector.

Take the first layer out, on the second layer there are manual, software CDs, connectivity cable, video cable and travel charger.

Oh. I’m getting more exited. Let gets the assembly begin. The main things to get started – phone unit, battery and memory card.

This is the phone out of the wrapping plastic.

First thing is to fix the SIM card in, slot the battery in, and close the back cover.

Then, insert the memory card.

And finally, the moment that I’ve been waiting for – switch the phone for the first time.

Oh. It’s going to be sleepless night tonight that I will play around with my new toy. So, here’s is my updated phone timeline.

Nokia 3210 Nokia 8310 Nokia 6610 Nokia 3650 Nokia 6600 O2 Xda II mini Nokia N95

As stated in my previous entry, I am always Nokia fan. Now, I’m back to the Nokia line to prove that.

Secondly, Anuar Zain’s latest album. I’m not quite sure this is the album that I quite anticipated. I guess maybe due to the fact that this is album is produced mostly oversea, costing 4 time more that what it cost to produce locally, with oversea composer and the song Lelaki Ini makes me want to know more about other songs from this album.

Lastly, a big thank you has to go my beloved plastic card.

Without it, none of this can happen today.


Technical Manager at one of the market researcher company in KL who does blogging on his free time. Love cats very much. Always fascinated with new technology (as well as spending money on it)

5 Responses

  1. dak^penang says:

    E beli hp baru..leh gpr…. apsal tak tunggu iphone lagi gempak seh….

  2. normala.sahari says:

    cyecyecye…sukalah itiews ada hp baru…

  3. Imran says:

    dak^penang: iPhone tu tak tahu arr bila nak kuar sini. dah takleh tunggu dah sebab takde handphone nak pakai. takpe.

    mala: hehehehe.. suka sgt ni šŸ˜€

  4. amirahsyuhada says:

    Tulah che Im, Nokia gak best seriously. Saya pun pernah swicth pada LG (of course tak sepower your O2 Xda) tapi tetap tak puas hati. N95 tu tak macam besar ke? saya nak cari Nseries yang nipis sikit. maybe next year baru boleh grab..hehe.

  5. aez82 says:

    best tak anuar zain latest album tu ? boleh expect mcm album ungu tak ?? phone..hav fun! šŸ˜‰

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