My new racing car

I went to Jusco Maluri with my friend. My friend is going to get some gifts for his 2 nephews birthday tomorrow.

Whil browsing at the toys aisle, this particular buddy attract my eyes. Huhuhu. I just bought it for myself. I don’t know why I want to play this.

Well, playing remote control car is not just for kids. I’ve seen a remote control car track somewhere in KL before, and there are adults playing this expensive petrol powered remote control car. But I don’t want to get something like that. I just want to play it in my room. Heh. If I have cat, he will be the victim of me chasing it with my remote control car. I always did that to my cats at my mum’s house. Hehehe…

So the fella is out of the box already. Let’s play….


Technical Manager at one of the market researcher company in KL who does blogging on his free time. Love cats very much. Always fascinated with new technology (as well as spending money on it)

2 Responses

  1. moon says:

    serious..i wanted to get this for my son’s birthday, but he choose a laser gun with the headset (argh dont know what it called) really know how to pick up their toys based on the price nowadays..hahaha

  2. Imran says:

    tulah kan. dulu saya kecik2, teringin sgt nak keter control nih. tapi it will be the last thing that my parent will buy. byk lagi keperluan asas yg memerlukan duit. so time tu telan air liur jerlah tiap kali lalu kat kawan permainan kat shopping mall

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