My whole new world


Technical Manager at one of the market researcher company in KL who does blogging on his free time. Love cats very much. Always fascinated with new technology (as well as spending money on it)

9 Responses

  1. moon says:

    i’ve been there, i’ve done that.
    So, i guess u need lots of luck and makan la banyak2 vitamin R(ajin) yer…:-)
    and oh, I hope u’ll move your tv to another proper location later on.

  2. zyfz says:

    I hate cables running under my door, on the floor and on the walls) <<--- erkk merk terasa... hikhikhik

  3. yazid says:

    oik ran, raye cine ni tak rounding ke? itu rumah nkau ke? la ingatkan store lepas buat clerance sale. Okey chow dulu, I have to go to war in my contrversial blog ni.

  4. meera says:

    imran meh saya tolong meh… tolong tengok je lah…. kihkihkihkih

  5. Imran says:

    moon: saya check kat peti ais saya tu, vitamin R tu dah habis arr. tinggal vitamin M(alas) je. hehehe
    zyfz: errrr.. sorry. ada plak yg terasa. hehehehee
    yazid: hehehe. nantilah aku panggil eric casa impian tu renovate rumah aku
    mayameera: mekasih… tak yah susah2…. tolong tgk dlm blog ni je pun takper. hak hak

  6. PiNaT says:

    cam rumah lama aku lak bentuknya.. mmmmmmm… :-/

  7. aries1981 says:

    I realized, I’ve been collecting so much things already. So if I get married, I don’t really have to buy much for the house. Hehehehe>>>bila tu? hehehe

    kotak2 double AA tu mesti kidnap from ur office kan? ;P

  8. Malique says:

    Banyoknyo baghe dio… sib baik ghumoh tu luah dih… pah nih boleh tamboh sikit-sikit tu… kasi elegan n comel.

  9. Imran says:

    pinat: hehehe. bentuk rumah sekarang cam seakan2 je.
    aries: yg betul. hehehe. kalau tak pun diaorg buang gak ms aries. baik saya ambik
    malique: dlm proses membeli barang nih malique. nanti rumah saya dah lawa sok sok saya jemputlah korang sumer datang

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