Prime Minister’s wife, Datin Seri Endon Mahmood passed away

Al-Fatihah to Allahyarhamah Datin Seri Endon Mahmood

I’m quite shock to receive the email about this from a friend earlier. Just scared that it is just another rumour email sent out by people.

Then I check Berita Harian Online and The Star Online. Yes. The news is true.

It is with sadness to hear the news that Prime Minister’s wife, Datin Seri Endon Mahmood passed away at 7.55am today at Prime Minister’s official residence Seri Perdana Putrajaya.

In the rememberance of Allahyarhamah Datin Seri Endon Mahmood, I have added Surah Al-Fatihah reciting in the M’re’s Flash Video Player section. This video will be forced to play as default video for today, and this M’re’s Flash Video player will not play the last video that you choose last time as described here.

To all muslims, let us sedekahkan Al-Fatihah. Semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat…


Technical Manager at one of the market researcher company in KL who does blogging on his free time. Love cats very much. Always fascinated with new technology (as well as spending money on it)

6 Responses

  1. zach says:


    Tapi aku suka Pak Lah lately mmg spend banyak masa dengan wife dia.Berbuka puasa sekali, having meals, etc.Aku rasa sbb tu la banyak benda mcm tertunda lately berkaitan negara sbb Pak Lah perlu spend time dgn wife dia.Bagi dia masa untuk recover.

    Baru beberapa hari lps dia dikatakan dah sihat kan?Then again,org yg sakit selalu mcm tu.Sblm mereka meninggal selalu jadi sihat sekejap.

  2. nice_clip says:


  3. aries says:

    ms aries pun terkezut giler bila dengar eRa pagi tadi! i admire her personality n wanted to see her in person! she’s very humble person…ade ke mak2 datin lain bahasa kan diri dia auntie endon kat budak2 yg sebaya dengan i? hmm….

    semoga roh beliau ditempatkan di kalangan orang2 yang beriman, Al-fatihah

  4. Imran says:

    tulah miss aries. pagi tadi bila terima berita tu, memula tu takut nak percaya takut spam or rumours email yg org duk sebar – sebarkan. tapi bila dah check kat newspaper website tu, barulah pastu kesahihan berita tu.

  5. dak^penang says:

    tapi bagi aku aku lebih suka Wan Azizah masa zaman Anuar sebelum kena masuk penjara… dia ler wanita yang mengekalkan pemakaian tudung walau pun bertaraf….

  6. Bta says:

    tapi kan semua..jangan risau..tunggu jer la lagi 40 hari, maka akan mendapat lah kita seorang lagi Mak datin yang akan menyuperbkan arena politiks di negara kita yang tercinta ini..tak gitiew e??
    anyway Al-Fatihah untuk arwah…

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