Puting Susu

For Malaysian reading this blog, it’s not what you think okay. You dirty minded bastard. Hehehe. And for others that don’t understand Malay language, “puting susu” is pacifier, things that baby/kid/toddler love to suck on.

It’s not only adults who think that they need to look good, kids are also victims of fashion. They have choices of designer pacifiers. Keep them as collection, as adults keeping their ray-bans, shoes, handbags and neckties as their collection.

We have simple and cool collection for boys,


and these sexy latest summer collection for girls.


It is something that to be worn not only in the house, before having a nap, it is suitable to be worn when you are out too.

And for the new born babies, we just have something for you too.


Technical Manager at one of the market researcher company in KL who does blogging on his free time. Love cats very much. Always fascinated with new technology (as well as spending money on it)

3 Responses

  1. Malique says:

    wow…kat malaysia ada ke puting cam tu? i like all pic baby yg comel tu… wpun sesetengah nampak ganas… but so cute…

    e, demo isap puting jugok ke masa kecik?

  2. Imran says:

    kalau ado jual kat malaysia, kawe dah beli dah hadiah kat niece kawe 😀

  3. Imran says:

    oh. terlupa plok nok jawab soalan tuh.
    mmmm. kawe isap dulu2. hehehee

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