Ramadhan 1428H / 2007M Buffet List


Technical Manager at one of the market researcher company in KL who does blogging on his free time. Love cats very much. Always fascinated with new technology (as well as spending money on it)

7 Responses

  1. Mr. Right says:

    Persiaran Raja Muda, Section 7, Shah Alam

    Price: RM35.00 nett per adult and RM17.50 nett per child

    BERKAT BUFFET RAMADHAN 2006 : Ala Pasar Malam

    Dah try semalam. Not bad, exactly as promise. Ada banyak gerai macam bazaar Ramadhan. Surau pun dekat. Then, ada performance by cool male singer. RM35 memang berbaloi.

  2. Anonymous says:

    apsal restoran berputar mahal bebenor

  3. shahril aley says:

    wah u give me lots of information. best2…actually i’m looking for my ex-classmate buke pose. tak tau nak pilih mana. thanx… 🙂

  4. comel says:

    ok la tu.. byk gak info buffet ramadhan… memang nak pi .. tapi amik yg sedang2 jer.. tak mahal sgt mcm kat restoran nelayan TT ok la.. berbaloi kot.. tak mencekik darah.. lagipon kitorang ni bukan nak melantak sgt.. duit pon cukup2 jer… memang tak patut la .. hotel charge mahal2… kalau org kaya tu memg la petik jari jer…. duit berkepokk…

  5. Anonymous says:

    im wondering, which hotel in klang valley offer package with room in lower price..hope anyone can answer..dat kind a big help..tq

  6. torres says:


    yg 2009 pny xde ke?

  7. Imran says:

    hi torres. belum dpt lagi yang 2009 punya