Rank 1 at Malaysia TopBlogs

Hahahaha. It’s kinda funny how my blog ends up to be at Rank 1 at the Malaysia TopBlogs. The following rank and statistic are as at 11:3pm, October 11, 2005

But I don’t usually last long here. As time goes, SultanMuzaffar, Juan Danza, Afdlin Shauki and Lim Kit Siang blogs will surely be at top ranks again, pushing me down to the bottom.

From the tracker that I put in the blog template, it seems that I received quite a lot hits to the Ramadhan Buffet List and Jadual Imsak dan Berbuka posts.

I guess the rule of thumb is to blog about the latest things, latest events or current affairs. There’s another bombing in Bali, blog it. There’s an earthquake in Pakistan, blog it. People tend to search for current affair things, and eventually, that will lead to your blog.


Technical Manager at one of the market researcher company in KL who does blogging on his free time. Love cats very much. Always fascinated with new technology (as well as spending money on it)

6 Responses

  1. Fizz Hazrai says:

    whoaa… congrats… anda memang hebat.. muheuehuehue .. apa pun memang your blog best.. byk info..

    keep up da good work imran~kun


  2. Malique says:

    tahniah e… kan malik dah kata yr blog ada AURA…. ada daya tarikan… I pun singgah sini tiap2 hari… and suggest to kawan yg lain.

    keep up yr good writing e… ill always support u, my pren!

  3. nice_clip says:

    the video plays a part too.

    keep up the gd work!

  4. Imran says:

    Thanks you all for being a regular visitor πŸ˜‰

  5. Anonymous says:

    You plugged in Malaysiatopblog code kat mana-mana famous forum kot πŸ™‚

  6. Imran says:

    hhmm. saya takdelah forum kat memana plak.

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