Super Manic Monday

Back to office again today after 9 days holiday. I have to admit that today is one of my laziest day. I wish that I have another week of holiday to spend, but I have to face the reality, honeymoon is over dear.

Got 200++ over emails in my inbox at office, which 98% of it are junk emails and Out Of Office reply from all of my colleagues here due to the email sent to “”everybody” email alias (an alias, when email sent to this email alias, everybody in my office will receive the email). Shit. I have to go through the emails one by one, where at the end, I only found 5 good emails from the 200++ emails that I received.

Kinda still feel a bit tired from the trip back from Penang/Langkawi to KL. Kinda feel worry too that my wallet getting thinner (from all the expenses during the trip and a little shopping that I did) – and it’s only 6th Feb. 20 days to go before the next round of salary.

Kinda feel sleepy too from late sleeping last night – doing laundry, washing the ants & maggots plates and cup with the leftover food that I forgot to throw before leaving the house for 9 days and tifying the house a bit.

Thinking of applying half day leave today, but it just doesn’t sound right. After 9 days holiday, you’re thinking of applying another 1/2 day leave? I bet that my boss will say….

Arrgghhh.. I left the bag containing my digital camera and cables at Penang. Really a turn off for me to make an entry in this blog about my last trip to Langkawi.

Later today after work, the guy from Streamyx will come over to install the modem at my house. At least I have something to look forward today and I can get rid of that dialup modem that I’ve been using these 2 weeks at home already.


Technical Manager at one of the market researcher company in KL who does blogging on his free time. Love cats very much. Always fascinated with new technology (as well as spending money on it)

3 Responses

  1. PiNaT says:

    hari malas sedunia.. busan2x.. jom la kita amik mc..

  2. moon says:

    Apa ni malas-malas…
    haa cakap pasal email la, hari punya task adalah untuk check dan clearkan 4 mailbox sahaja..besok baru start kerja..hiks!

  3. meera says:

    amboiiiiiiiiiii cuti-cuti mesia ek…

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