Cat’s Fur Management


Technical Manager at one of the market researcher company in KL who does blogging on his free time. Love cats very much. Always fascinated with new technology (as well as spending money on it)

11 Responses

  1. marts says:

    Ha ha ha betul tu Imre. Tot sekor pun bulu dah merata2 apa lagi banyak cam Imre. Marts guna roller yg beli kat ikea je, tak canggih pun. Kui kui

  2. tedi says:

    ada gak nampak benda nak kat kedai haiwan. tapi aku still guna vacum!!

    lepas ni aku cari benda seakan2 macam ni lah… betul!! boleh buat sekor lagi kucing. anak kucing mungkin! he he he

  3. dak^penang says:

    mesti la hari2 kena brush, tambah2 kat atas cadar atau pun sofa. Cari le sowang maid khas untuk tuceng jer

  4. ok, baru berniat nak bela kucing kat rumah baru tu, so cancellah..hahahahaa

  5. Ell says:

    haish…tgk kucing2 tue landing buat I rasa nak landing jgk pagi2 dihari hujan nie (*_*)

  1. April 13, 2011

    […] how I deal with cat’s fur last time? Well, from my recent house moving, I have misplaced the brush that I use for this […]

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