CIRP : Renovation officially started

CIRP = Casa Idaman Renovation Project

It’s official. The renovation work for my new house has finally started today, expected to finish on 4th of February 2011.

The very first stage of the renovation is to do wiring. So far, only holes have been made. The wall hacking will come after.

I will also change all the switches and plugs to ZENcelo Full-Flat switch, Silver Satin colour.

So the old switches and plugs are being ripped off the wall.

I also opt for windows tinting using the film that will reject 80% of heat, which is already been fixed before all other dusty works start. Quite satisfied with the outcome, where from the outside, you can’t really see anything inside the house. My contractor claims that even at night, people from outside still can’t see inside. That I will test soon.

I will blog more the progress of my house renovation along the way.

** Read other stories about my Casa Idaman Renovation Project


Technical Manager at one of the market researcher company in KL who does blogging on his free time. Love cats very much. Always fascinated with new technology (as well as spending money on it)

13 Responses

  1. ctshah says:

    cantiklah suis baru tuh.nampak class.dia ada led kan?perggh..sampai a month the renovation.kalau saya,mmg takleh tunggu lama2.but yes,u do quiet major long as hasilnya wallah..mmg berbaloi..:-)

    • Imran says:

      suis tu xde LED. cuma dia ada OnIndicator je (macam cat florescent). Hanya suis aircond dan heater (20A) je ada lampu neon. Suis yg ada LED lagi mahal.

      harga suis tu quite murah gak. saya ada dealer contact klu awak nak. hehe. dia jual amat murah berbanding kalau beli sendiri kat luar.

      renovation tu my contractor cakap 3 minggu je, tapi letak seminggu just in case.

      kat rumah sewa sekarang ada 2 months deposit ngan landlord. so bulan Jan ngan Feb kira tak yah bayar sewalah. sempatlah nanti saya pindah slow2 by end of Feb.

  2. Adem & Cats says:

    Tak sabar nak dtg house warming hehehhee.

  3. ctshah says:

    oh,boleh tak awak bagi contact no dealer tu via my e-mail?saje nak survey2 harga.hehe.tq

  4. Beto says:

    boleh bg no contact contractor yg renovate rumah u?
    kerja dia ok x?

  5. ayerkosong says:

    can you email or mentioned contractor for your plaster ceiling + wiring.
    thanks in advance πŸ™‚

  1. July 10, 2012

    […] 1 Renovation officially started Plaster ceiling work started Plaster ceiling work progress Renovation project almost completed […]

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