Extractor – The Ultimate Pet Hair And Lint Remover

Remember how I deal with cat’s fur last time? Well, from my recent house moving, I have misplaced the brush that I use for this purpose. It must be in one of the many big boxes that I have in store room.

This brings me to Ace Hardware Mid Valley during lunch time earlier at work. Ace Hardware is kinda my favourite place as they have many unique and special tools for your daily use that you usually don’t see at any local hardware outlet. And I hope they have something about pet hair.

They have actually. This is The Extractor – The Ultimate Pet Hair And Lint Remover.

This is what Extractor does,

and the satisfaction guarantee from Mr Meguiar himself about the effectiveness of this product, or else your money back.

I don’t take this for granted. Here is the ultimate test for this, the sofa that Oyen used as his place to sleep night and day.

A few stroke with this does remove the fur from my sofa.

With extractor on my hand, and with vacuum cleaner on my other hand, I just have the idea of what I will be doing this weekend.


Technical Manager at one of the market researcher company in KL who does blogging on his free time. Love cats very much. Always fascinated with new technology (as well as spending money on it)

8 Responses

  1. Ms J says:

    best! Tuuuu dia Oyen. kemain lagik bulatnya! πŸ™‚

  2. marts says:

    Nak beli lah. He he he…

  3. razman says:

    alaaa asyik oyen je. uneng, uteh & ebot mana?

  4. farhan yusof says:

    poss kacak dari oyen B)

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