My New PlayStation 3

Damn. I totally forgot that I have a blog. Well, it’s been a while since I last stop by at Low Yat Plaza, and I went there today with a very big mission.

It started with my wild idea of getting a Kinect. The cheapest that I found is around RM450. Don’t know what came to my mind, I ask my friend if he would like to buy my Xbox 360, and I’m selling it really cheap (RM600). To my surprise, he said that he is interested.

So I have a pool of RM500 (to buy the Kinect) and with me selling my Xbox 360 at RM600, I am now having RM1100 in my hand. And the brand new Sony PlayStation 3 320GB is selling just for RM1199 at Sony Centre. What a very tempting figure.

So after being in the Low Yat Plaza for the whole afternoon, I came back home today happily with these quite heavy Sony Center paper bags.

This is the content of that paper bag. The promotion now is that, the new PS3 comes with free HDMI cable, demo game, calendar, free game and PlayStation booklet.

Calendar, PlayStation booklet, demo game and free game are out of the plastic wrapping.

Even though other shop is selling PS3 at a cheaper price (around RM850), but I don’t like opened box. Furthermore, it’s Singapore set and warranty claim is so complicated. Look at the one that I’m getting. The security seal is still intact.

This is the content of the PlayStation 3 box – the machine itself, controller, power cord, AV cable and some manuals.

Blimey. It’s a big block of charcoal. I’m getting charcoal black instead of white because it will match the rest of my Sony gadgets (my Sony PSP is black, my Sony Bravia LCD TV is black and my Sony Blu-ray player is also black)

Ok folks. I’m going to hook these all up to my TV, and starts enjoying my new Sony PlayStation 3.


Technical Manager at one of the market researcher company in KL who does blogging on his free time. Love cats very much. Always fascinated with new technology (as well as spending money on it)

13 Responses

  1. anif says:

    Finally, the owner of this blog managed to update something here πŸ˜€ hehe..

  2. Nazrul says:

    Salam Imran, if u dont mind can i have your contractor’s contact no for your previous renovation? Sorry my comment is unrelated to your post. Tq

  3. ameeyn says:

    imran, buy uncharted games and play it…you will find it very difficult to stop playing especially uncharted 2 and 3..awesome games

  4. Farhan YUsof says:

    Try layan God Of War III,IM.. Superb !

  5. Junaidix says:

    stop by sekejap tengok ps3

    • Imran says:

      nak kasik main pun gambar je kat sini. jemput ke rumah.

      anyway, app buku bajet ko tuh buat aku bersemangat nak belajar buat app utk iphone plak. huhu

  6. ema says:

    wah, baru beli ps3. btw, adik saya nak jual game2 yg dia dah main. kalu u interested, email la saya;
    1) COD: MOdern Warfare 2 (RM 80)
    2) COD: Black Op (RM 100)
    3) Uncharted 2 (RM 80)
    4) Ratchet & Clank (RM 50)
    5) Little Big Planet (RM 80)
    6) Killzone (RM 80)

  1. February 16, 2014

    […] my PS3 last time I did said that it looks like a big block of charcoal, well this time it looks like a big black […]

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