Nasi Goreng Ayam Berlada at Gerai Sri Muar

I’m a fan of Nasi Goreng (Fried Rice). My colleague at office and my friends may already notice that that everything I eat outside, I always order nasi goreng.

Sometimes, something simple and plain tastes better than the fancy looking one. That is true with the Nasi Goreng Ayam (Chicken Fried Rice) at the Gerai Sri Muar of the top floor food court of the dying not-so-many-people The Mall shopping complex.

The fried rice may look simple. But don’t let that fool you. The taste is very “kampung” style. Most important thing, no mixed vegetables. I hate mixed vegetables in my fried rice.


Technical Manager at one of the market researcher company in KL who does blogging on his free time. Love cats very much. Always fascinated with new technology (as well as spending money on it)

12 Responses

  1. nazri says:

    nasi goreng belada dia lain plak dr muar version huhuh..takpe la kedai dia ade tulis muar cukup huhu

  2. Anif® says:

    Nampak sedap tu .. 🙂 Tapi betul la.. kalau ada "mixed vegetables" dalam nasi goreng memang tak best!

  3. Ms J says:

    pernah makan laaa kat situ! 🙂

  4. rahmad says:

    perghh… saya asal dari muar, selain dari nasi ayam goreng berlada ni mee bandung muar pun best…. my 2 fav klu blik ke muar… siap tapaw bawa blk umah lagi…. apa2 pn mmg best la MUAR…

  5. daze_devil03 says:

    1st time samapai ke blog nie.. best laa n nice blog

  6. amieda says:

    the mall skg berubah giler..dh cde kdai ni, tgh google pindah mn..siapa tau?

    • Imran says:

      Saya sebenarnya pun dah lama gak mencari kedai ni pindah kemana. Tgk kat signboard kedai tu, saya nampak Haidil Ahmad Husni. Search kat FB, saya jumpa ni

      Dah jumpa dah FB owner Gerai Sri Muar tu, cuma tak berkesempatan lagi nak mesej tanya sekarang pindah mana.

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